I am an associate professor and Director of First-Year Composition in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Central Florida. I teach first-year writing and a graduate course in composition theory. My teaching and research interests include writing assessment, multimodality, and writing program administration. I am also the Communications Editor for Composition Forum, a journal of pedagogical theory in rhetoric and composition. I received my B.A. in English Literature at Western Kentucky University, M.A. in Composition Theory at California State University, Fresno, and PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Kansas.
Teachers Talking Writing is a collection of conversations about the theory and teaching of writing in postsecondary contexts. It might also be considered a composition anthology focused on practices and pedagogies in the 21st century. Interconnected with Pedagogue, a podcast about teaching writing, the book offers 52 perspectives on composition and rhetoric across institutions and positions. The conversations are grouped into three sections: Places, Pedagogies, and Programs. + Places talks about where the teaching of writing happens, such as two-year colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions. + Pedagogies offers conversations about different practices and approaches to teaching writing, including classroom writing assessment, multimodality, social justice, disability studies, and community literacies. + Programs focuses on conversations around different writing programs and administrative positions, including basic writing, second-language writing, writing across the curriculum, and writing centers. Pedagogue has 120,000+ streams in 50+ countries, 1,000+ Apple and Spotify subscribers, and has won two national awards—2021 Kairos John Lovas Award and 2019 Computers and Composition Michelle Kendrick Outstanding Digital Production Award. |